22 March 2016

Princess and the Pea

A new twist on the classic fairy tale, part of a series Happily Ever After.
It is published by New Frontier Publishing and available in your bookshops on 1st April.  

2 March 2016

Romancing the Stars 2016 (photos and video from Peter Allert)

Romancing the Stars, a great event in Brisbane to discover what books local authors and illustrators have been creating.

I was there to present the Velveteen Rabbit and to talk about the Magic Fish Dreaming project. 

It was  wonderful to meet other creative people like Pamela Rushby, Yvonne Mess, Lachlan Creagh, Anil Tortop, Samantha Wheeler, James Moloney, Guiseppe Poli, Julie Fison, Jennifer Loakes, Brian Falkner, Natalie Jane Prior  and many others.